James M. Schulte brings a wealth of know-how and experience. His accomplishments in taxation and finance have shown a consistent pattern of contributing to the bottom line through unique and innovative solutions to business opportunities.
While his career started as an auditor, Jim quickly moved into the tax department of Maytag Corporation, where he served as Manager of International Taxation. Beyond compliance and audits for a multi-national business with operations in 29 countries, Jim was charged with tax
planning to lower the corporation’s effective tax rate. These efforts resulted in the development and implementation of several international reorganizations.
He held a similar position with Ernst & Young; providing international tax advice to some of the largest corporations in the world. After Ernst, Jim became the Director of Tax and, subsequently, Vice President & Treasurer at Figgie International, a multi-national Fortune 500 corporation. While at Figgie, Jim was integral in the development and implementation of the strategic plan that resulted in the sale or merger of over 30 business units (including an Initial Public Offering), successfully repaid over $750 million in debt, re-established creditor and shareholder confidence and returned the company to profitability.
After finishing the Figgie comeback by negotiating new credit facilities, Jim assumed the duties of Vice President and Treasurer at Dairy Mart Convenience Stores, Inc. Jim's impact was immediately felt when he negotiated multi-million dollar slotting allowances for placing ATM machines in stores. His subsequent structuring of M&A transactions and identification of tax filing opportunities resulted in millions more in tax refunds. After negotiating new credit facilities for Dairy Mart, Schulte left corporate life to start his own business and obtain a better work/life balance.
In 1997, Jim established Schulte & Company CPAs, Inc. Schulte & Company CPAs is a public accounting firm that serves closely held businesses and their owners by providing a full range of accounting and tax services. Their clients are located in over 20 states and are diverse as to size and industry; but they all benefit from Jim’s vast experience and problem solving.
During his career, Jim has been integral in the sale or purchase of countless businesses. He is a recognized authority on business valuations and has provided expert witness testimony in a variety of complex litigation matters in the Ohio counties of Stark, Summit and Cuyahoga. Jim's experience includes securing free trade zones, representing companies in quarterly earnings calls and reviews by credit rating agencies, drafting IRS private letter rulings, representing companies during tax audits and administrative appeals.
Jim is a Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Valuation Analyst and is a three time graduate of The University of Akron with undergraduate degrees in Accounting and Criminal Justice as well as a Master of Science in Taxation. As an undergraduate, Jim served as President of his fraternity, President of the Inter-fraternity Council and Senior Class Treasurer. He was chosen by The University of Akron as an Outstanding Senior Man Finalist and The Outstanding Greek Man.
Jim’s community service began in the Ohio Army National Guard, where he served as a Military Policeman. He currently serves as a Copley Township Trustee, is a member of Bluecoats, a life member of AMVETS and serves on several non-profit boards; including the Akron-Bath-Copley Hospital District and the Accountancy Advisory Board at The University of Akron. He created scholarship funds that provide mutiple annual awards for students in his community and fraternity. Jim coached and was involved in youth sports for over 25 years and has led fund raising and capital improvement projects for Copley-Fairlawn City Schools and his alma mater. He is an avid skier, runner and tennis player. He resides in Copley, Ohio with his wife Kristi. They have three children.